Sunday, March 18, 2012

New Chemtrail Aerosol Deployment Method transforms trails to haze in under 3 minutes

New Chemtrail Aerosol Deployment Method transforms trails to haze in under 3 minutes

Gainesville Florida skies were relatively clear until about 1 PM when a southbound jet exhibited normal contrails.
Armed with binoculars, a second jet followed southbound after a few minutes spraying unusual "toothpaste" style chemtrails that quickly turned to haze.

A third southbound jet followed with what appeared to be classic "old-fashioned" chemtrails (persistent contrails) that typically remain identifiable from horizon to horizon.
But instead, these trails from jet #3 disintegrated (almost magically) into haze in less than 3 minutes, leaving no trace of a "trail".
Even though the trail was gone, however, the area where the trail had been presented a noticeable increase in "haze", "aerial obscuration", "vapor trails" or whatever we agree the name should be.

All 3 jets were 2 engine aircraft southbound above 35,000 feet. Binoculars ID's Jet #3 as most likely a Boeing 767. All 3 could have been the same type.

This is a noticeable change in covert delivery systems for reasons we can only suspect.
If trimethylaluminum was the former method to expand the trail to cause overcast skies, we can only guess the purpose of the new trail compound.

Was it a coincidence that  North Florida and Gainesville received significant rainfall (with no rain forecast) following the new vapor trails?
Was this a geoengineering test to manufacture rainfall?
Was today's chemtrails equivalent to cloud-seeding?

North Florida is currently under severe, long-term drought with a lot of news coverage.