Sunday, November 7, 2010

Photos of more chemtrail smog falling from sky over Kapaa HI 05NOV2010

Kauai Sky,
Four (4) photos taken of skies over Kapaa, Kauai 05 November 2010 at 1245 to 1330 three of which help illustrate after effects of chemtrail spraying.  Notice the latent chem-smog "falling", "drizzling" typical action of the chemicals as gravity pulls it to earth.  Astounding activity considering the amount of wind and rain this area has received over the last 48 hours -- a testimony to the density characteristic of this mysterious material.  Without doubt this material is not rain, it moves like a heavy smoke slowly dissipating instead finally settling to ground-level obscuring mountain views.  Whatever it is, my children have been breathing it for months.
As a side note, my water reservoirs lately have been testing higher overnight pH values from 8,5 to 9.5+