Thursday, May 24, 2012

Barium & Aluminum Soil Level Letter & Response

In your message below you asked for the normal range of aluminum and barium in soil, the maximum safe level of each in soil, how to restore soil with excesses of each, the health risk of geoengineering the atmosphere with each, and studies on the levels in soil and toxicity of each.


The Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) has published documents that provide information on soil levels and toxicity for each substance.


The Toxicological Profile for Aluminum is available on the Internet at  Chapter 2 summarizes the health effects that are discussed in detail in Chapter 3.  Chapter 6 addresses environmental levels, and it states that aluminum is the most abundant metal and the third most abundant element in the earth's crust, comprising about 8.8% by weight (88 g/kg).  This is equal to 88,000 ppm.  This can be compared to the value of 20,300 ppm in your message and reported in its attachment.  The profile does not speak to "geoengineering of the atmosphere," but Chapter 8 of the profile does include a table of regulations and advisories that addresses accepted levels in air.  That table does not show any limit on soil concentration.


The Toxicological Profile for Barium is available on the Internet at  This profile has the same structure as that for aluminum.  Chapter 2 summarizes the health effects that are discussed in detail in Chapter 3.  Chapter 6 reports that barium is relatively abundant in the earth's crust and is found in most soils at concentrations ranging from about 15 to 3,500 ppm (dry weight) and mean values ranging between 265 and 835 ppm, depending on soil type.  This profile also does not address "geoengineering of the atmosphere," but Chapter 8 of the profile does include a table of regulations and advisories that addresses accepted levels in air.  That table does not show any limit on soil concentration.




U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

Public Health Service Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry ATSDR Information Center

To Whom It May Concern,

I represent a newly formed group of citizens concerned about the Geoengineering taking place in Hawaii. I have a few questions I need answered.

What is considered the normal range of Aluminum and Barium in soil?

What is the maximum safe level of Barium and Aluminum in soil?

What can be done to restore soil that has excessive amounts of Aluminum and Barium?

What are the health risk of geoengineering the atmosphere with Barium and Aluminum?

Can you provide me with any studies done on levels of Aluminum and Barium in soils or toxicity levels to humans.

There is an ongoing program here in Hawaii to geoengineer the atmosphere under the guise of protection from global warming. The geoengineers are spraying large amounts of Aluminum and Barium plus other chemicals from aircraft flying out of Hickam Air Force Base in Honolulu, Hawaii. People are very concerned about the effects these chemicals are causing.

I recently had the soil from my back yard tested and found excessive amounts of aluminum at a level of 20,300ppm. A copy of the report is attached. From what I can find my research shows levels above 1,600ppm are considered excessive and levels above 400ppm are harmful to soil. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My hair test results are found at Yahoo group "SOSkywatch", my site in Southern Oregon.. They are posted to be shared unrestricted. Ba wasn't tested. Al, Fe and Mn were of the charts.