Thursday, May 31, 2012

Kaua`i Sky

Aloha, First I would like to thank you for this wonderful and informative website.  Ronnie Cummins from Organic Consumers Association is a good person to communicate with about the fight against Monsanto and other GMO producers.  Also Organic Manifesto by Maria Rodale is a very informative book, it tells us what we need to do to win back our farmlands.  Talk to the organic farmers of Kauai and get ideas from them.  I would like to thank Kaua'i Sky, Bob Marx, and Kathi for all that you do to inform people and fight for Mother Nature.  Please feel free to make my letter public.  The more information that one can view is a step in the right direction in my opinion.  The only way to save Kauai and Mother Earth is to  become informed and act according to your beliefs, all in a peaceful manner.  Balance is the key to life. Mahalo, Johnny Sauter   

Kaua`i Sky

The chems are busy over Kalaheo for the last couple of days. Thanks for the good links and info.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

5/29 - HAARP Status Network Website Shows Activity in Vicinity of TD BYRL

HAARP Status Network Website Shows Activity in Vicinity of TD BYRL
is a real-time sensor network from over 22 sensors placed at volunteer residences across the United States.
The sensors can detect the HAARP frequency on the ionosphere.

Evergreen 747 Supertanker with patent 7413145 Possible source of New Aerosol Chem-dumps vs Chemtrails

5/21/2010 - WLOX News: Evergreen 747 Chemtrail Supertanker "can spread a 200 foot wide path about 350 miles long".
Evergreen is "currently in discussions with BP, the Coast Guard and the Air Force about the capability and availability of the Evergreen Supertanker."

WLOX 2010 Video Coverage

A 2008 US Patent, 7413145 held by EVERGREEN AIR uses a huge 747 capable of 350 mile long Chemtrail/ Aluminum Aerosol Dumps.
The Patent clearly claims (Page 8) the capability to disburse atmospheric compounds for "Weather Modification".


Thursday, May 24, 2012

Barium & Aluminum Soil Level Letter & Response

In your message below you asked for the normal range of aluminum and barium in soil, the maximum safe level of each in soil, how to restore soil with excesses of each, the health risk of geoengineering the atmosphere with each, and studies on the levels in soil and toxicity of each.


The Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) has published documents that provide information on soil levels and toxicity for each substance.


The Toxicological Profile for Aluminum is available on the Internet at  Chapter 2 summarizes the health effects that are discussed in detail in Chapter 3.  Chapter 6 addresses environmental levels, and it states that aluminum is the most abundant metal and the third most abundant element in the earth's crust, comprising about 8.8% by weight (88 g/kg).  This is equal to 88,000 ppm.  This can be compared to the value of 20,300 ppm in your message and reported in its attachment.  The profile does not speak to "geoengineering of the atmosphere," but Chapter 8 of the profile does include a table of regulations and advisories that addresses accepted levels in air.  That table does not show any limit on soil concentration.


The Toxicological Profile for Barium is available on the Internet at  This profile has the same structure as that for aluminum.  Chapter 2 summarizes the health effects that are discussed in detail in Chapter 3.  Chapter 6 reports that barium is relatively abundant in the earth's crust and is found in most soils at concentrations ranging from about 15 to 3,500 ppm (dry weight) and mean values ranging between 265 and 835 ppm, depending on soil type.  This profile also does not address "geoengineering of the atmosphere," but Chapter 8 of the profile does include a table of regulations and advisories that addresses accepted levels in air.  That table does not show any limit on soil concentration.




U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

Public Health Service Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry ATSDR Information Center

To Whom It May Concern,

I represent a newly formed group of citizens concerned about the Geoengineering taking place in Hawaii. I have a few questions I need answered.

What is considered the normal range of Aluminum and Barium in soil?

What is the maximum safe level of Barium and Aluminum in soil?

What can be done to restore soil that has excessive amounts of Aluminum and Barium?

What are the health risk of geoengineering the atmosphere with Barium and Aluminum?

Can you provide me with any studies done on levels of Aluminum and Barium in soils or toxicity levels to humans.

There is an ongoing program here in Hawaii to geoengineer the atmosphere under the guise of protection from global warming. The geoengineers are spraying large amounts of Aluminum and Barium plus other chemicals from aircraft flying out of Hickam Air Force Base in Honolulu, Hawaii. People are very concerned about the effects these chemicals are causing.

I recently had the soil from my back yard tested and found excessive amounts of aluminum at a level of 20,300ppm. A copy of the report is attached. From what I can find my research shows levels above 1,600ppm are considered excessive and levels above 400ppm are harmful to soil. 

Geoengineering News

India Announces High Altitude Cloud Physics Laboratry to Study AEROSOLS and other Weather phenomenon

NBC News on 12-23-1980 reports that weather researchers may eventually use jet contrails to change our weather. "In the Winter, city people benefit because clouds act as a blanket, preventing warm air from escaping into the atmosphere."


Kaua`i Sky

Hello all,

I was listening to Bob Marx on the radio today, he caught my interest. I've done a little research on him and found this.

Bob Marx (running for Hawaii senate) wrote: "The evidence is coming in that supports the fact that these roundup resistant crops are also damaging to us and our offspring when eaten along with the gross use of Pesticides you mentioned that pollute our water and neighboring farms and residents. I think first, we must demand labeling so consumers can stop buying these products. Meanwhile congress must support measures in the Fair Farm bill that help small farmers and break the monopoly Monsanto has on food production, processing etc. Also a full congressional investigation of The health effects must be conducted by INDEPENDENT sources not within the grips of the Monsanto lobbyists and agro business. It is a serious issue we are making a priority.  I would love to work with activists and hear their Ideas and concerns."           Bob, you have my vote!!

Also I'm going to Oahu tomorrow as an alternate delegate for the Democratic party. I'm going to be submitting these resolutions on GMO. I feel that there may be a connection between GMO growing areas and Chem trails. Thus the patent that Monsanto has for aluminum resistant seed. So in my small way I'm making an effort to bring the spotlight on Monsanto and friends. I'm open for any suggestions and comments that I can carry with me to the conference. Thank you, Kathi

The Labeling of GMO food products

Whereas, When polled in the US there is consistently near 95% public demand for the labeling of GMO foods.

Whereas, Nearly 50 countries have mandatory labeling of GMO foods leaving the USA as one of the few industrialized countries without mandatory GMO labeling.

Whereas, On March 12, 2012 a letter was submitted to FDA commissioner Margaret Hamburg pertaining to the request for mandatory labeling of GMO foods. This bicameral letter was signed by 55 Republican and Democratic members of the US house and Senate.

Whereas, Hawaii could follow the example of the state of California which will have on their November ballet the right to know proposition. At issue is the fundament right consumers have to make informed decisions about the food they consume.

Resolved, That the Democratic Party of Hawaii propose that GMO food labeling becomes available to the residents of Hawaii.

Ordered, That copies of this resolution be presented to the to Democratic members of the Hawaii State Legislature, the Governor of the State of Hawaii, Mayors and City Council members, and to the heads of the state and county regulatory bodies.

Submitted District 16 Alternate Delegate

Kauai lands being used as pesticide testing grounds

Whereas, Corporate farms and chemical companies are consuming ever increasing areas of Kauai to use as testing grounds for Round Up and other toxic pesticides.

Whereas, Invasive plants are becoming increasingly resistant to these pesticides prompting the use of even stronger solutions to be tested.

Whereas, Concerns are being voiced and lawsuits filed, as to the health and environmental risks to the public and the lands due to the testing of these chemicals.

Whereas, Airborne contamination is occurring to the organic farmers with pesticide residue as well as the pollen contamination from the GMO crops.

Resolved, That the Democratic Party of Hawaii shall request that the State of Hawaii conduct an independent study of the toxic effects on the land and the waters and the people of Hawaii due to these chemical testing grounds.

Ordered, That copies of this resolution be presented to the to Democratic members of the Hawaii State Legislature, the Governor of the State of Hawaii, Mayors and City Council members, and to the heads of the state and county regulatory bodies.

Submitted by District 16 Alternate Delegate

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Weather Modification involving Chemtrails and HAARP confirmed at 1997 Symposium:
Weather Modification involving Chemtrails and HAARP confirmed at 1997 Symposium at John Hopkins University:
"Test Technology Symposium '97" Advanced Weapon/Instrumentation Technologies"

Kaua`i Sky

Thank you for the updates.  My beloved wife and I are permanently relocating to Kauai in October.  We now live in Colorado Springs.  They completely spray over the sky 2-3 times in a 24 hour period with one day off every 8 or 9 days.
It is truly killing us.  My wife is very sick.  We are hoping it never gets that bad on the island.  It is the polymers they are now using to suspend the sray in the sky that makes it so lethal.

Kaua`i Sky/re.

i'm REALLY sorry to see this is happening there!!!
here in southern oregon we've been getting BLASTED!