No illegal chemtrail spraying military or commercial aircraft will go unnoticed.
Our intention is to bring this information to the forefront of the public eye, including the retail media outlets, medical & health care industries, government, military and non-residents.
If we can be clear & compelling about what's happening, when it's happening, it is possible to have clean, clear, crisp 'blue' skies again.
Please support Kaua`i Sky by joining the'Sky Watch'team to be a postings author. We need as many authors as possible on the blogsite.
Anyone with Mobile Messaging Service (MMS) on their cellphone can post their chemtrail sightings with a picture and text for real-time documentation & future presentation purposes.
If you do not have or use this service but wish to post a sighting, pleaseeMail usdirectly with your sighting information and we will post it here on Kauai Sky.